Torna a XXXV Congresso Annuale SISN


Auditorium “Danilo Mainardi”
Edificio Alfa, Campus Scientifico
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Mestre (VE)

Lunedì 16 settembre 2024

14.00 Registrazione
14.30 Apertura e saluti
I sessione scientifica
14.50 Invited talk: Francesco Grazzi, Neutroni & beni culturali
15.30 A. Venturi, Neutrons for painting conservation: addressing varnish blanching through scattering techniques and optical methods
15.50 A. Rodzinka, Application of neutron science in the study of ancient Iranian weaponry
16.10 F. Cantini, Preliminary results on an ongoing study of 28 fragments of equestrian gilded monumental-statuary complexes rediscovered near Parco dei Renai Signa, Firenze, Italy
16.30 Coffee break
17.00 A. Pietropaolo, Update on the SORGENTINA Project
17.20 L. Spagnuolo, The ENEA TRIGA RC-1 neutron source: from activation analyses to radioisotopes production
17.40 G. Ottaviano, A multipurpose compact neutron generator for applications in nuclear medicine and nuclear forensics
18.00 SISNYoung (Sessione speciale dedicata ai giovani ricercatori)

Martedì 17 settembre 2024

II sessione scientifica
09.00 Invited talk: Fabrizia Foglia, Neutroni & materiali per l’energia
09.40 M. Laurati, Link between permanent shear-banding and local concentration fluctuations in suspensions of compressible microgels
10.00 B. Rosi, Structural and dynamical properties of PS-PNIPAM block copolymer micelles in concentrated samples
10.20 A. Cangiano, SANS-Driven Insights into the Self-Assembly and Optimization of Metal-Based Superlattices
10.40 Coffee break
III sessione scientifica
11.10 V. Nigro, Small Angle Neutron Scattering investigation of ageing in CuCrZr alloy for fusion reactor technology
11.30 A. Calamida, Determination of the fast and thermal neutron fields inside a shielding mock-up for fusion plants
11.50 L. Silvi, Study of the effects of chronic neutron exposure on plants for agrospace-related activities
12.10 M. Polo, Simulating the performance of a 3D silicon detector for neutron imaging
12.30 Lunch break
14.00 A. Orecchini, Update da ESS
14.10 A. Perrichon, Update da ESS
14.20 F. Natali, Update da ILL
14.30 A. Scherillo, Update da ISIS
14.40 Poster session
16.00 Assemblea dei soci SISN
18.00 Conclusione dei lavori

Mercoledì 18 settembre 2024

09.00 Invited talk: Simone Capaccioli, Neutroni & scienze della vita
09.40 Tavola rotonda
11.00 Coffee break
IV sessione scientifica
11.30 I. De Cristofaro, Design and physicochemical characterization of liposomes for enhanced intracellular delivery of therapeutics
11.50 B. Barletti, Nanostructural characterisantion of glycosylated protein biomarker interaction with lipid bilayer membranes: basis for biosensor development
12.10 I. Mosca, Dynamic cluster formation, viscosity and diffusion in monoclonal antibody solutions
12.30 N. Gallucci, CeO2 nanoparticles coated with a dopamine-derivatized molecule: the role of surface functionalization on the structural organization
12.50 Conclusioni e saluti