The TNT – Training on Neutron Techniques project is a three-year program of advanced formation on neutron scattering organized by the Italian Neutron Science Society.
The TNT2025 will be held in San Giovanni in Valle Aurina (BZ, Italy) from 13th to 21st June 2025. The school will be devoted to neutron diffraction and imaging, including also non-scattering techniques and advanced approaches for data analysis and interpretation.
The lessons will outline the fundamental principles of neutron scattering techniques for the investigation of condensed matter and they will be supported by examples and applications across a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines. The focus will include recent advancements and ongoing innovations in experimental methods at reactor-based facilities and spallation sources, with particular attention to the upcoming European Spallation Source (ESS). Additionally, the school will explore the potential role of machine learning and artificial intelligence, in particular for instrument design and data processing.
The topics covered by the TNT schools are:
2025 – Diffraction and imaging
2026 – Inelastic scattering
2027 – Small angle scattering and reflectometry