Torna a Formazione & scuole

Training on Neutron Techniques

The TNT – Training on Neutron Techniques project is a three-year program of advanced formation on neutron scattering organized by the Italian Society of Neutron Scattering.

Scopes and Topics

The physical bases of neutron sources and of neutron scattering techniques for the study of condensed matter will be presented and discussed, with examples and applications in various scientific fields. Specific attention will be paid to recent developments and to those in progress and expected for the current decade.
The scientific potentialities of the experimental methods will be discussed for instruments accessible both at reactor-based facilities and at spallation sources, also in view of the European Spallation Sources ESS project

The main topics are:
2025 – Diffraction and imaging
2026 – Inelastic scattering
2027 – Small angle scattering and reflectometry

The TNT2025
will be held in San Giovanni in Valle Aurina (BZ, Italy)
from 13th to 21st June 2025